Started a new job at Sentry
I've got a career update for y'all. Starting from Monday, I'll be joining the DevRel team at Sentry ( 🥑

Today was my last day at CodeChem. After 7 years as SWE, I decided to take on a different challenge and turn my career into DevRel. It's a bittersweet moment for me. I watched CodeChem grow from 6 to 66 people. I'm sad that I quit, but also happy that I'm following my passion.

I've started my DevRel journey last year in February when I joined the Chakra UI core team. Sage asked me if I wanted to be the "trouble maker". I had no idea what DevRel is, and what was I supposed to do, but as days went by the role made more and more sense to me.

Oh, and in Q1 next year my wife, my cat and I will be moving to Toronto, Canada 🇨🇦. If you're my Canadian online friend, hit me up, eh!